Many features

Seek Criteria

Define what you are looking for. If you are a job seeker, define your dream job's profile. If you are a talent seeker (hiring manager or recruiter), define your job profile.

Automatic Ranking of Contacts

Automatically rank your trusted contacts in terms of their likelihood to help you find what you are looking for

Easy Contact and Discussion

Contact your trusted connections, and help them help you find what you are looking for with their trusted, confidential referrals.

How it works

SeekSphere helps you find the job of your dreams or an ideal talent. Here are the simple steps.

Step 1:

You already have your trusted contacts. We are not talking about LinkedIn. You know who they are, and these contacts may be stored on your phonebook, Gmail, or other 'networks.' We help you consolidate them in one place, Seekphere.

Step 2:

you will define what you are looking for. It's confidential, and you will let SeekSphere use your definition to match against the mutual seekers. The second you complete the definition of what you are looking for, you will see a complete list of your trusted contacts in the order of the likelihood they can help you find what you are seeking.

Step 3:

These are your trusted contacts, so you contact them through SeekSphere, and chat away with them how they can help you find what you are looking for! Since SeekSphere matched you with our Mutual Seek Algorithm (TM), there is a much higher probability they will be able to help you.

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